Source code for brickschema.validate

The `validate` module implements a wrapper of `pySHACL`_ to
validate an ontology graph against the default Brick Schema constraints (called *shapes*) and user-defined shapes.

.. _`pySHACL`:
import os
import logging
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, URIRef, BNode, Literal
from rdflib.plugins.sparql import prepareQuery
from .namespaces import A, RDF, RDFS, BRICK, BSH, SH, SKOS
import pyshacl
import io
import pkgutil

[docs]class Validator: """ Validates a data graph against Brick Schema and basic SHACL constraints for Brick. Allows extra constraints specific to the user's ontology. """ # build accumulative namespace index from participating files # build list of violations, each is a graph def __init__(self, useBrickSchema=True, useDefaultShapes=True, brick_version="1.2"): # see for logging.basicConfig settings self.log = logging.getLogger("validate") self.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG if "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" in os.environ else logging.WARNING ) self.namespaceDict = {} self.defaultNamespaceDict = {} self.brickG = Graph() self.brickShapeG = Graph() if useBrickSchema: data = pkgutil.get_data( __name__, f"ontologies/{brick_version}/Brick.ttl" ).decode() self.brickG.parse(source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle") self.__buildNamespaceDict(self.brickG) # Remove rdfs:domain and rdfs:range. The modified # ontology will be used for pySHACL reasoning. # See for more discussion. self.brickG.update( "DELETE { ?s rdfs:domain ?o .} WHERE { ?s rdfs:domain ?o . }", initNs=self.namespaceDict, ) self.brickG.update( "DELETE { ?s rdfs:range ?o .} WHERE { ?s rdfs:range ?o . }", initNs=self.namespaceDict, ) if useDefaultShapes: data = pkgutil.get_data( __name__, f"ontologies/{brick_version}/BrickShape.ttl" ).decode() self.brickShapeG.parse(source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle") self.__buildNamespaceDict(self.brickShapeG) # preserve namespaces used in Brick.ttl and BrickShape.ttl self.defaultNamespaceDict = self.namespaceDict.copy() self.log.debug("Validate __init__ done")
[docs] class Result: """ The type of returned object by validate() method """ def __init__(self, conforms, violationGraphs, textOutput): self.conforms = conforms self.violationGraphs = violationGraphs self.textOutput = textOutput
[docs] def validate( self, data_graph, shacl_graphs=[], ont_graphs=[], inference="rdfs", abort_on_error=False, advanced=True, meta_shacl=True, debug=False, ): """ Validates data_graph against shacl_graph and ont_graph. Args: shacl_graphs: extra shape graphs in additon to BrickShape.ttl ont_graphs: extra ontology graphs in addtion to Brick.ttl Returns: object of Result class (conforms, violationGraphs, textOutput) """"wrapper function for pySHACL validate()") # combine shape graphs and combine ontology graphs sg = Graph() + self.brickShapeG for g in shacl_graphs: sg = sg + g og = Graph() + self.brickG for g in ont_graphs: og = og + g self.data_graph = data_graph # copy default namespace pool into working pool (a shallow copy will do) self.namespaceDict = self.defaultNamespaceDict.copy() self.__buildNamespaceDict(data_graph) self.__buildNamespaceDict(og) self.__buildNamespaceDict(sg) (self.conforms, self.results_graph, self.results_text) = pyshacl.validate( data_graph, shacl_graph=sg, ont_graph=og, inference=inference, abort_on_error=abort_on_error, meta_shacl=meta_shacl, debug=debug, ) if self.conforms: return self.Result(self.conforms, [], self.results_text) self.violationList = self.__attachOffendingTriples() self.__getExtraOutput() return self.Result( self.conforms, self.violationList, self.results_text + self.extraOutput )
# Post process after calling pySHACL.validate to find offending # triple(s) for each violation. def __attachOffendingTriples(self):"find offending triple(s) for each violation") self.__buildNamespaceDict(self.results_graph) # results_graph from pyshacl.validate() contains all violations. # Sort the triples into individual violations, using the per # violation sh:result predicate. The constraint may have layers # of BNodes which are searched depth-first. Note: We do not use # sparql queries here because it doesn't guarantee the consistency # of BNode naming in query results and in graph. self.violationDict = {} # Find triples (bn ?p ?obj) and put them into violationDict[k]. # Continue to follow obj if it's a BNode again. def followBNode(k, bn): for (s, p, obj) in self.results_graph: if s == bn: self.violationDict[k].add((s, p, obj)) if isinstance(obj, BNode): followBNode(k, obj) for (s, p, obj) in self.results_graph: if p == SH.result: # SH.result's obj must be a BNode # New graph for the violation and bind namespaces self.violationDict[obj] = Graph() for n in self.namespaceDict: self.violationDict[obj].bind(n, self.namespaceDict[n]) # Follow the BNode followBNode(obj, obj) # find the offending triple(s) for each violation graph and add into it for k, violation in self.violationDict.items(): self.__triplesForOneViolation(violation) return list(self.violationDict.values()) # end of __attachOffendingTriples() # Load namespaces into a dictionary which is accumulative with # the shape graph and data graph. def __buildNamespaceDict(self, g): for (prefix, path) in g.namespaces(): assert (prefix not in self.namespaceDict) or ( Namespace(path) == self.namespaceDict[prefix] ), f"Same prefix {prefix} used for {self.namespaceDict[prefix]} and {path}" if prefix not in self.namespaceDict: self.namespaceDict[prefix] = Namespace(path) # Query data graph and return the list of resulting triples def __queryDataGraph(self, s, p, o): q = prepareQuery( "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {%s %s %s .}" % (s if s else "?s", p if p else "?p", o if o else "?o"), initNs=self.namespaceDict, ) res = self.data_graph.query(q) assert len(res), f"Must have at lease one triple like '{s} {p} {o}'" return res # Take one contraint violation (a graph) and a sh: predicate, # find the object which is a node in the data graph. # Return the object found or None. def __violationPredicateObj(self, violation, predicate, mustFind=True): q = prepareQuery( f"SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {{ ?s {predicate} ?o . }}", initNs=self.namespaceDict, ) res = violation.query(q) if mustFind: assert len(res) == 1, f"Must have predicate '{predicate}'" if len(res): for (s, p, o) in res: return o return None # Ok to miss certain predicate, such as sh:resultPath # Take one contraint violation (a graph) and find the potential offending # triples. Return the triples in a list. def __triplesForOneViolation(self, violation): resultPath = self.__violationPredicateObj( violation, "sh:resultPath", mustFind=False ) if resultPath: focusNode = self.__violationPredicateObj(violation, "sh:focusNode") valueNode = self.__violationPredicateObj( violation, "sh:value", mustFind=False ) # TODO: Although we haven't seen a violation with sh:resultPath where # focusNode and valueNode are the same, the case should be considered. # The triple probably should be queried using queryDataGraph() instead # of assuming focusNode is the subject here. if valueNode: g = Graph() g.add((focusNode, resultPath, valueNode)) violation.add((BNode(), BSH["offendingTriple"], g)) return else: # Without valueNode, we look for constraint, such as # sh:class <class> and sh:minCount <number> cComp = self.__violationPredicateObj( violation, "sh:sourceConstraintComponent" ) c = cComp.split("#")[1].replace("ConstraintComponent", "") cPred = "sh:" + c[0].lower() + c[1:] cObj = f"<{self.__violationPredicateObj(violation, cPred)}>" g = Graph() g.add((focusNode, resultPath, Literal(f"{cPred} {cObj}"))) violation.add((BNode(), BSH["offenderHint"], g)) return # end of if resultPath: # Without sh:resultPath or sh:value in the violation. We are currently only # concerned with the RDFS.domain shape. sourceShape = self.__violationPredicateObj(violation, "sh:sourceShape") if sourceShape.endswith("DomainShape"): (bsh, shapeName) = sourceShape.split("#") # For a brick property xyz with RDFS.domain predicate, the shape's name # is bsh:xyzDomainShape. Here we tease out brick:xyz to make the query. brickProp = shapeName[: -len("DomainShape")] path = "brick:" + brickProp fullPath = self.namespaceDict["brick"] + brickProp # The full name (http...) of the focusNode doesn't seem to work # in the query. Therefore make a prefixed version for the query. focusNode = self.__violationPredicateObj(violation, "sh:focusNode") res = self.__queryDataGraph(f"<{focusNode}>", path, None) # Due to inherent ambiguity of this kind of shape, # multiple triples may be found. for (s, p, o) in res: g = Graph() g.add((focusNode, URIRef(fullPath), o)) violation.add((BNode(), BSH["offendingTriple"], g)) return # end of if sourceShape.endswith('DomainShape'): # When control reaches here, a handler is missing for the violation. self.log.error( "no triple finder for violation %s" % violation.serialize(format="ttl").decode("utf-8") ) return # end of triplesForOneViolation() # Serialize and streamline (remove @prefix lines) a grpah and append to output def __appendGraph(self, msg, g): if msg: self.extraOutput += msg for n in self.namespaceDict: g.bind(n, self.namespaceDict[n]) for b_line in g.serialize(format="ttl").splitlines(): line = b_line.decode("utf-8") # skip prefix, offendingTriple and blank line if ( (not line.startswith("@prefix")) and ("offenderHint" not in line) and ("offendingTriple" not in line) and line.strip() ): self.extraOutput += line self.extraOutput += "\n" def __appendViolation(self, msg, g): # first print the violation body self.__appendGraph(msg, g) # tease out the triples with offendingTriple as predicate tripleGraphs = [] tripleType = None for (s, p, o) in g: if p == BSH["offendingTriple"] or p == BSH["offenderHint"]: tripleType = p tripleG = Graph() for (s1, p1, o1) in o: tripleG.add((s1, p1, o1)) tripleGraphs.append(tripleG) if len(tripleGraphs) == 0: self.extraOutput += "Please let us know if the contraint violation information is insufficient.\n" return if tripleType == BSH["offenderHint"]: self.extraOutput += "Violation hint (subject predicate cause):\n" elif len(tripleGraphs) == 1: self.extraOutput += "Offending triple:\n" else: self.extraOutput += "Potential offending triples:\n" for tripleG in tripleGraphs: self.__appendGraph(None, tripleG) def __getExtraOutput(self): self.extraOutput = f"\nAdditional info ({len(self.violationList)} constraint violations with offender hint):\n" # Print each violation graph, find and print the offending triple(s), too for g in self.violationList: self.__appendViolation("\nConstraint violation:\n", g)
# end of class Validator()