Quick Feature Reference

Web Interface

brickschema incorporates a simple web server that makes it easy to apply inference and execute queries on Brick models. Call .serve() on a Graph object to start the webserver:

from brickschema import Graph
g = Graph(load_brick=True)
# load example Brick model
g.serve("http://localhost:8080") # optional address argument

Brick Inference

Inference is the process of materializing all of the facts implied about a Brick model given the definitions in the Brick ontology. This process performs, among other things:

  • adding in “inverse” edges:
    • Example: for all brick:feeds, add the corresponding brick:isFedby

  • annotating instances of classes with their Brick tags:
    • Example: for all instances of brick:Air_Temperature_Sensor, add the mapped tags: tag:Air, tag:Temperature, tag:Sensor and tag:Point

  • annotating instances of classes with their measured substances and quantities:
    • Example: for all instances of brick:Air_Temperature_Sensor, associate the brick:Air substance and brick:Temperature quantity

  • inferring which classes are implied by the available tags:
    • Example: all entities with the tag:Air, tag:Temperature, tag:Sensor and tag:Point tags will be instantiated as members of the brick:Air_Temperature_Sensor class

The set of rules applied to the Brick model are defined formally here.

To apply the default inference process to your Brick model, use the .expand() method on the Graph.

from brickschema import Graph
bldg = Graph(load_brick=True)
print(f"Before: {len(bldg)} triples")
print(f"After: {len(bldg)} triples")

Haystack Inference

Requires a JSON export of a Haystack model First, export your Haystack model as JSON; we are using the public reference model carytown.json. Then you can use this package as follows:

import json
from brickschema import Graph
model = json.load(open("haystack-export.json"))
g = Graph(load_brick=True).from_haystack("http://project-haystack.org/carytown#", model)
points = g.query("""SELECT ?point ?type WHERE {
    ?point rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Point .
    ?point rdf:type ?type


from brickschema.graph import Graph
from brickschema.namespaces import BRICK
from brickschema.orm import SQLORM, Location, Equipment, Point
# loads in default Brick ontology
g = Graph(load_brick=True)
# load in our model
# put the ORM in a SQLite database file called "brick_test.db"
orm = SQLORM(g, connection_string="sqlite:///brick_test.db")
# get the points for each equipment
for equip in orm.session.query(Equipment):
    print(f"Equpiment {equip.name} is a {equip.type} with {len(equip.points)} points")
    for point in equip.points:
        print(f"    Point {point.name} has type {point.type}")
# filter for a given name or type
hvac_zones = orm.session.query(Location)\
print(f"Model has {len(hvac_zones)} HVAC Zones")