Source code for brickschema.graph

The `graph` module provides a wrapper class + convenience methods for
building and querying a Brick graph
import io
from warnings import warn
import os
import sys
import glob
import pkgutil
import rdflib
import owlrl
import pyshacl
import logging
from typing import List
from .inference import (
from . import namespaces as ns

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BrickBase(rdflib.Graph):
[docs] def rebuild_tag_lookup(self, brick_file=None): """ Rebuilds the internal tag lookup dictionary used for Brick tag->class inference. This is broken out as its own method because it is potentially an expensive operation. """ self._tagbackend = TagInferenceSession( rebuild_tag_lookup=True, brick_file=brick_file, approximate=False )
[docs] def to_networkx(self): """ Exports the graph as a NetworkX DiGraph. Edge labels are stored in the 'name' attribute Returns: graph (networkx.DiGraph): networkx object representing this graph """ try: import networkx as nx except ImportError as e: warn("Could not import NetworkX. Need 'networkx' option during install.") raise e g = nx.DiGraph() for (s, p, o) in self.triples((None, None, None)): g.add_edge(s, o, name=p) return g
[docs] def get_most_specific_class(self, classlist: List[rdflib.URIRef]): """ Given a list of classes (rdflib.URIRefs), return the 'most specific' classes This is a subset of the provided list, containing classes that are not subclasses of anything else in the list. Uses the class definitions in the graph to perform this task Args: classlist (list of rdflib.URIRef): list of classes Returns: classlist (list of rdflib.URIRef): list of specific classes """ # given a list of classes and an ontology (self), return the classes # which are not the transtivie parent of any other class in the list. specific = [] for c in classlist: # Find the transtive parent by computing transitive closure of rdfs:subClassOf|owl:equivalentClass|brick:aliasOf # and then finding the intersection of the closure with the classlist # If the intersection is empty, then the class is not a parent of any other class in the list # and is therefore specific # if the intersection is only the class itself or anything it is equivalent to, then it is specific closure_query = f""" SELECT ?parent WHERE {{ ?parent (rdfs:subClassOf|owl:equivalentClass)+ <{c}> . }} """ closure = set(x[0] for x in self.query(closure_query)) equivalent_query = f""" SELECT ?parent WHERE {{ <{c}> (owl:equivalentClass|brick:aliasOf)+ ?parent . }} """ equivalent = set(x[0] for x in self.query(equivalent_query)) if len(closure.intersection(classlist)) == 0 or closure.intersection(classlist).issubset(equivalent): specific.append(c) return specific
[docs] def validate(self, shape_graphs=None, default_brick_shapes=True, engine: str='pyshacl'): """ Validates the graph using the shapes embedded w/n the graph. Optionally loads in normative Brick shapes and externally defined shapes Args: shape_graphs (list of rdflib.Graph or brickschema.graph.Graph): merges these graphs and includes them in the validation default_brick_shapes (bool): if True, loads in the default Brick shapes packaged with brickschema engine (str): the SHACL engine to use. Options are 'pyshacl' and 'topquadrant'. Defaults to 'pyshacl' Returns: (conforms, resultsGraph, resultsText) from pyshacl """ shapes = self if shape_graphs is not None and isinstance(shape_graphs, list): for sg in shape_graphs: shapes += sg if engine == 'pyshacl': return pyshacl.validate( self, shacl_graph=shapes, ont_graph=shapes, advanced=True, abort_on_first=True, allow_warnings=True, ) elif engine == 'topquadrant': # check if 'java' is in the path import shutil if shutil.which('java') is None: raise Exception("TopQuadrant SHACL validation requires Java to be installed and in the PATH") from brickschema.topquadrant_shacl import validate if shape_graphs is not None and isinstance(shape_graphs, list): for sg in shape_graphs: shapes += sg return validate(self+shapes)
[docs] def serve(self, address="", ignore_prefixes=[]): """ Start web server offering SPARQL queries and 1-click reasoning capabilities Args: address (str): <host>:<port> of the web server ignore_prefixes (list[str]): list of prefixes not to be added to the query editor's namespace bindings. """ try: from . import web except ImportError: warn( "Using the webserver requires the 'web' option:\n\n\tpip install brickschema[web]" ) import sys sys.exit(1) srv = web.Server(self, ignore_prefixes=ignore_prefixes) srv.start(address)
[docs] def get_extensions(self): """ Returns a list of Brick extensions This currently just lists the extensions already loaded into brickschema, but may in the future pull a list of extensions off of an online resolver """ d = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__) extension_path = os.path.join( d, "ontologies", self._brick_version, "extensions" ) extensions = glob.glob(os.path.join(extension_path, "*.ttl")) return [ os.path.basename(x).strip(".ttl")[len("brick_extension_") :] for x in extensions ]
[docs] def get_alignments(self): """ Returns a list of Brick alignments This currently just lists the alignments already loaded into brickschema, but may in the future pull a list of alignments off of an online resolver """ d = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__) alignment_path = os.path.join( d, "ontologies", self._brick_version, "alignments" ) alignments = glob.glob(os.path.join(alignment_path, "*.ttl")) return [ os.path.basename(x)[len("Brick-") : -len("-alignment.ttl")] for x in alignments ]
def _iterative_expand(self, og: "Graph"): old_size = len(self) for _ in range(3): valid, _, report = pyshacl.validate( data_graph=self, shacl_graph=og, ont_graph=og, advanced=True, allow_warnings=True, abort_on_first=True, inplace=True, ) if not valid: logger.warn(report) if len(self) == old_size: break
[docs] def expand( self, profile, backend=None, simplify=True, ontology_graph=None, iterative=True ): """ Expands the current graph with the inferred triples under the given entailment regime and with the given backend. Possible profiles are: - 'rdfs': runs RDFS rules - 'owlrl': runs full OWLRL reasoning - 'vbis': adds VBIS tags - 'shacl': does SHACL-AF reasoning (including tag inference, if the extension is loaded) Possible backends are: - 'reasonable': default, fastest backend - 'allegrograph': uses Docker to interface with allegrograph - 'owlrl': native-Python implementation Not all backend work with all profiles. In that case, brickschema will use the fastest appropriate backend in order to perform the requested inference. To perform more than one kind of inference in sequence, use '+' to join the profiles: import brickschema g = brickschema.Graph() g.expand(profile='rdfs+shacl') # performs RDFS inference, then SHACL-AF inference g.expand(profile='shacl+rdfs') # performs SHACL-AF inference, then RDFS inference # TODO: currently nothing is cached between expansions """ if "+" in profile: for prf in profile.split("+"): self.expand(prf, backend=backend, simplify=simplify) return if profile == "brick": return self.expand("owlrl+shacl+owlrl", backend=backend, simplify=simplify) elif profile == "rdfs": owlrl.DeductiveClosure(owlrl.RDFS_Semantics).expand(self) return elif profile == "shacl": og = None if ontology_graph: og = ontology_graph.skolemize() if backend == 'topquadrant': # check if 'java' is in the path import shutil if shutil.which('java') is None: raise Exception("TopQuadrant SHACL validation requires Java to be installed and in the PATH") from brickschema.topquadrant_shacl import infer infer(self, og or rdflib.Graph()) return self valid, _, report = pyshacl.validate( data_graph=self, shacl_graph=og, ont_graph=og, advanced=True, allow_warnings=True, abort_on_first=True, inplace=True, ) if not valid: logger.warn(report) if iterative: self._iterative_expand(og) return self elif profile == "owlrl": self._inferbackend = OWLRLNaiveInferenceSession() try: if backend is None or backend == "reasonable": self._inferbackend = OWLRLReasonableInferenceSession() backend = "reasonable" except ImportError: warn( "Could not load Reasonable reasoner. Needs 'reasonable' option during install." ) self._inferbackend = OWLRLNaiveInferenceSession() try: if backend is None or backend == "allegrograph": self._inferbackend = OWLRLAllegroInferenceSession() backend = "allegrograph" except (ImportError, ConnectionError): warn( "Could not load Allegro reasoner. Needs 'allegro' option during install." ) self._inferbackend = OWLRLNaiveInferenceSession() elif profile == "vbis": self._inferbackend = VBISTagInferenceSession( brick_version=self._brick_version ) else: raise Exception(f"Invalid profile '{profile}'") self._inferbackend.expand(self) if simplify: self.simplify() return self
[docs] def simplify(self): """ Removes redundant and axiomatic triples and other detritus that is produced as a side effect of reasoning. Simplification consists of the following steps: - remove all "a owl:Thing", "a owl:Nothing" triples - remove all "a <blank node" triples - remove all "X owl:sameAs Y" triples """ for entity, etype in self.subject_objects(ns.RDF.type): if etype in [ns.OWL.Thing, ns.OWL.Nothing]: self.remove((entity, ns.A, etype)) elif isinstance(etype, rdflib.BNode): self.remove((entity, ns.A, etype)) for a, b in self.subject_objects(ns.OWL.sameAs): if a == b: self.remove((a, ns.OWL.sameAs, b))
[docs]class GraphCollection(rdflib.Dataset, BrickBase): def __init__( self, *args, load_brick=False, load_brick_nightly=False, brick_version="1.3", **kwargs, ): """Wrapper class and convenience methods for handling Brick models and graphs. Accepts the same arguments as RDFlib.Graph Args: load_brick (bool): if True, loads packaged Brick ontology into graph load_brick_nightly (bool): if True, loads latest nightly Brick build into graph (requires internet connection) brick_version (string): the MAJOR.MINOR version of the Brick ontology to load into the graph. Only takes effect for the load_brick argument Returns: A GraphCollection object """ kwargs.update({"default_union": True}) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._brick_version = brick_version self._load_brick = load_brick self._load_brick_nightly = load_brick_nightly self._graph_init() # subset of graphs in the store to use; if this is length-0, then # all graphs are used self._subset = set() def __iter__(self): """Iterates over all quads in the store""" for (s, p, o, _) in self.quads((None, None, None, None)): yield (s, p, o)
[docs] def load_graph( self, filename: str = None, source: io.IOBase = None, format: str = None, graph: rdflib.Graph = None, graph_name: rdflib.URIRef = None, ): """ Imports the triples contained in the indicated file (or graph) into the graph. Names the graph using any owl:Ontology declaration found in the file or using the 'graph_name' argument if it is provided Args: filename (str): relative or absolute path to the file source (file): file-like object graph (brickschema.Graph): graph to load into the collection graph_name (rdflib.URIRef): name of the graph (defaults to owl:Ontology instance or 'default') Return: parsed (rdflib.Graph): the graph loaded from parsing the input """ if graph is None: graph = Graph().load_file(filename=filename, source=source, format=format) if graph_name is None: try: graph_name = next(graph.subjects(rdflib.RDF.type, ns.OWL.Ontology)) except StopIteration: warn( f"No owl:Ontology found in graph {filename or source}. Using default graph" ) graph_name = rdflib.graph.DATASET_DEFAULT_GRAPH_ID else: graph_name = rdflib.URIRef(graph_name) g = self.graph(graph_name) for (s, p, o) in graph.triples((None, None, None)): g.add((s, p, o)) return g
[docs] def remove_graph(self, graph_name): """ Removes the named graph from the graph store Args: graph_name (str): name of the graph to remove """ self.remove_graph(graph_name)
def _graph_init(self): """ Initializes the graph by downloading or loading from local cache the requested versions of the Brick ontology. """ ns.bind_prefixes(self, brick_version=self._brick_version) if self._load_brick_nightly: self.parse( "", format="turtle", graph_name="", ) elif self._load_brick: # get ontology data from package data = pkgutil.get_data( __name__, f"ontologies/{self._brick_version}/Brick.ttl" ).decode() # wrap in StringIO to make it file-like self.load_graph( source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle", graph_name="", ) self._tagbackend = None @property def graph_names(self): """ Returns a list of the names of the graphs in the graph store Returns: list: list of graph names """ if self._subset: return list(self._subset) else: return [g.identifier for g in self.graphs()]
[docs] def load_alignment(self, alignment_name): """ Loads the given alignment into the current graph by name. Use get_alignments() to get a list of alignments """ alignment_name = f"Brick-{alignment_name}-alignment.ttl" alignment_path = os.path.join( "ontologies", self._brick_version, "alignments", alignment_name ) data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, alignment_path).decode() # wrap in StringIO to make it file-like self.load_graph(source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle")
[docs] def load_extension(self, extension_name): """ Loads the given extension into the current graph by name. Use get_extensions() to get a list of extensions """ extension_name = f"brick_extension_{extension_name}.ttl" extension_path = os.path.join( "ontologies", self._brick_version, "extensions", extension_name ) data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, extension_path).decode() # wrap in StringIO to make it file-like self.load_graph(source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle")
[docs] def contexts(self, triple=None): """Iterate over all contexts in the graph If triple is specified, iterate over all contexts the triple is in. """ for context in if len(self._subset) > 0 and context not in self._subset: continue if isinstance(context, Graph): # TODO: One of these should never happen and probably # should raise an exception rather than smoothing over # the weirdness - see #225 yield context else: yield self.get_context(context)
[docs]class Graph(BrickBase): def __init__( self, *args, load_brick=False, load_brick_nightly=False, brick_version="1.3", _delay_init=False, **kwargs, ): """Wrapper class and convenience methods for handling Brick models and graphs. Accepts the same arguments as RDFlib.Graph Args: load_brick (bool): if True, loads packaged Brick ontology into graph load_brick_nightly (bool): if True, loads latest nightly Brick build into graph (requires internet connection) brick_version (string): the MAJOR.MINOR version of the Brick ontology to load into the graph. Only takes effect for the load_brick argument _delay_init (bool): if True, the graph will not call internal initialization logic. You should not need to touch this. Returns: A Graph object """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._brick_version = brick_version self._load_brick = load_brick self._load_brick_nightly = load_brick_nightly if not _delay_init: self._graph_init() def _graph_init(self): """ Initializes the graph by downloading or loading from local cache the requested versions of the Brick ontology. If Graph() is initialized Using as part of an external store will also call this method automatically """ ns.bind_prefixes(self, brick_version=self._brick_version) if self._load_brick_nightly: self.load_file( "", format="turtle", ) elif self._load_brick: # get ontology data from package data = pkgutil.get_data( __name__, f"ontologies/{self._brick_version}/Brick.ttl" ).decode() # wrap in StringIO to make it file-like self.load_file(source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle") self._tagbackend = None
[docs] def load_file(self, filename=None, source=None, format=None): """ Imports the triples contained in the indicated file into the default graph. Args: filename (str): relative or absolute path to the file source (file): file-like object """ if filename is not None: fmt = format if format else rdflib.util.guess_format(filename) self.parse(filename, format=fmt) elif source is not None: for fmt in [format, "ttl", "n3", "xml"]: try: self.parse(source=source, format=fmt) return self except Exception as e: warn(f"could not load {filename} as {fmt}: {e}") raise Exception(f"unknown file format for {filename}") else: raise Exception( "Must provide either a filename or file-like\ source to load_file" ) return self
[docs] def add(self, *triples): """ Adds triples to the graph. Triples should be 3-tuples of rdflib.Nodes (or alternatively 4-tuples if each triple has a context). If the object of a triple is a list/tuple of length-2 lists/tuples, then this method will substitute a blank node as the object of the original triple, add the new triples, and add as many triples as length-2 items in the list with the blank node as the subject and the item[0] and item[1] as the predicate and object, respectively. For example, calling add((X, Y, [(A,B), (C,D)])) produces the following triples:: X Y _b1 . _b1 A B . _b1 C D . or, in turtle:: X Y [ A B ; C D ; ] . Otherwise, acts the same as rdflib.Graph.add """ for triple in triples: assert len(triple) == 3 obj = triple[2] if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): for suffix in obj: assert len(suffix) == 2 bnode = rdflib.BNode() self.add((triple[0], triple[1], bnode)) for (nested_pred, nested_obj) in obj: self.add((bnode, nested_pred, nested_obj)) else: super().add(triple)
@property def nodes(self): """ Returns all nodes in the graph Returns: nodes (list of rdflib.URIRef): nodes in the graph """ return self.all_nodes()
[docs] def from_haystack(self, namespace, model): """ Adds to the graph the Brick triples inferred from the given Haystack model. The model should be a Python dictionary produced from the Haystack JSON export Args: model (dict): a Haystack model """ sess = HaystackInferenceSession(namespace) self.add(*sess.infer_model(model)) return self
[docs] def from_triples(self, triples): """ Creates a graph from the given list of triples Args: triples (list of rdflib.Node): triples to add to the graph """ self.add(*triples) return self
[docs] def load_alignment(self, alignment_name): """ Loads the given alignment into the current graph by name. Use get_alignments() to get a list of alignments """ alignment_name = f"Brick-{alignment_name}-alignment.ttl" alignment_path = os.path.join( "ontologies", self._brick_version, "alignments", alignment_name ) data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, alignment_path).decode() # wrap in StringIO to make it file-like self.load_file(source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle")
[docs] def load_extension(self, extension_name): """ Loads the given extension into the current graph by name. Use get_extensions() to get a list of extensions """ extension_name = f"brick_extension_{extension_name}.ttl" extension_path = os.path.join( "ontologies", self._brick_version, "extensions", extension_name ) data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, extension_path).decode() # wrap in StringIO to make it file-like self.load_file(source=io.StringIO(data), format="turtle")